How well does the SAT correlate with official IQ tests? (2024)

I apologize to my readers for recycling so much old material, but certain crucial issues must be resolved before we can move forward knowledgeably.

In this post, I summarize all I have learned to date about how much high SAT performers regress to the mean when faced with official IQ tests and what this implies about the SAT’s correlation with said tests. Some of the data may contradict previous posts, as new information has come to light, causing me to revise old numbers.

Study I: New SAT vs the Raven

A study by Meredith C. Frey and Douglas K. Detterman found a 0.48 correlation between the re-centered SAT and the Raven Progressive Matrices in a sample of 104 university undergrads, but after correcting for range restriction, they estimate the correlation to be 0.72 in a less restricted sample of college students. I don’t buy it, but I’m not interested in how well the re-centred SAT would correlate with the Raven among college students, but among ALL American young adults. (including the majority who never took the SAT).

Using the Frey and Detterman data, I decided to look at the Raven scores of those who scored 1400-1600 on the re-centred SAT, because 1500 on the new SAT (reading + math) corresponds to an IQ of 143 (U.S. white norms), which is 46 points above the U.S. mean of 97. Now if thenew SAT correlated 0.72 or higher among ALL American adults, we’d expect their Raven scores to only regresstono less than 72% as far above the U.S. mean, so 0.72(46) + 97 = IQ 130.

I personally looked at the scatter plot carefully and did my best to write down the RAPM IQs of every single participant with an SAT score from 1400-1600. This was an admittedly subjective and imprecise exercise given how small the graph is, but I counted 38 top SAT performers and these were their approximate RAPM IQs: 95, 102, 105, 108, 108, 110, 110, 113, 113, 113, 113, 113, 117, 117, 117, 117, 117, 120, 120, 120, 122, 122, 128, 128, 128, 128, 134, 134, 134, 134, 134, 134, 134, 134, 134, 134, 134, 134

How well does the SAT correlate with official IQ tests? (1)

The median IQ is 120, and it does not need to be converted to white norms because the Raven was normed in lily white Iowa circa 1993, but as commenter Tenn noted, I should have perhaps corrected for the Flynn effect since the norms were ten years old at the time of the study. Correcting for the Flynn effect reduces the median to 118 (U.S. white norms) which is 21 points above the U.S. mean of 97.

For people who are 46 IQ points above the U.S. mean on the new SAT to regress to only 21 points above the U.S. mean, suggests the new SAT correlates 21/46 = 0.46 with the Raven in the general U.S. population.

Study II: New SAT vs the abbreviated WAIS-R

Harvard is the most prestigious university in the World with an average SAT score in the stratosphere, thus it’s interesting to ask how Harvard students perform on an official IQ test. The best data on the subject was obtained by Harvard scholar Shelley H Carson and her colleagues who had an abbreviated version of the WAIS-R given to 86 “Harvard undergraduates (33 men, 53 women), with a mean age of 20.7 years (SD 3.3)… All were recruited from sign-up sheets posted on campus. Participants were paid an hourly rate…The mean IQ of the sample was 128.1 points (SD 10.3), with a range of 97 to 148 points.”

It should be noted however that the WAIS-R was published in 1981, and that the norms were collected from 1976 to 1980. Carson’s study was published in 2003, so presumably the test norms were 25 years old.

James Flynn cites data showing that from WAIS-R norms (circa 1978) to WAIS-IV norms (circa 2006) the vocabulary and spatial construction subtest (used in the abbreviated WAIS-R) increased by 0.53 SD and 0.33 SD respectively. These gains would result in the composite score of the abbreviated WAIS-R becoming obsolete at a rate of 0.26 IQ points per year, meaning the Harvard students’ scores circa 2003 were 6.5 points too high. This reduces the mean IQ of the sample to 121.6 (U.S. norms) which is about 120 (U.S. white norms); 23 points above the U.S. mean of 97 (white norms).

However Harvard’s medianre-centered SATs of 1490 equate to IQ 143 (U.S. white norms) which is 46 points above the U.S. mean of 97. Assuming the sampled Harvard studentswere cognitively representative of Harvard and assuming Harvard is cognitively representative of all 1490 SAT Americans, the fact they regressed from being 46 IQ points above average on the SAT to 23 IQ points above average on the abbreviated WAIS-R, suggests the re-centered SAT correlates 23/46 = 0.5 with the abbreviated WAIS-R.

Study III: Old SAT vs the full original WAIS

Perhaps the single best study was referred to me by a commenter named Andrew. In this study, data was taken from the older more difficult SAT, andparticipants took the full-original WAIS. In this study, six samples of seniors from the extremely prestigious Dartmouth (the 12th most selective university in America) averaged 1357 on the SAT just before 1974. Based on mylatest research,an SAT score of 1357 circa 1974 would have equated to an IQ of 144 (U.S. norms); 143 (U.S. white norms). Because this is much higher thanpreviously thought; the degree of regression is quite devastating.

Assuming these students are typical of high SAT Americans, it is interesting to ask how much they regress to the mean on various subtests of the WAIS.

Averaging all six samples together, and then adjusting for the yearly Flynn effect from the 1950s through the 1970s (see page 240 of Are We Getting Smarter?) since the WAIS was normed circa 1953.5 but the students were tested circa 1971.5, then converting subtest scaled scores to IQ equivalents, in both U.S. norms and U.S. white norms (the 1953.5 norming of the WAIS included only whites), we get the following:

iq equivalent (u.s. norms)iq equivalent (u.s. white norms)estimated correlation with sat in the general u.s. population inferred from regression to the mean from SAT IQ44 points above U.S. mean.
sat score14414344/44 = 1.0
wais information128.29127.228.29/44 = 0.64
wais comprehension122.22120.922.22/44 = 0.51
wais arithmetic120.3711920.37/44 = 0.46
wais similarities119.16117.7519.16/44 = 0.44
wais digit span117.37115.917.37/44 = 0.39
wais vocabulary125.93124.7525.93/44 = 0.59
wais picture completion105.871045.87/44 = 0.13
wais block design121.82120.521.82/44 = 0.50
wais picture arrangement108.33106.558.33/44 = 0.19
wais object assembly113.65112.0513.65/44 = 0.31
wais verbal scale12612526/44 = 0.59
wais performance scale11611416/44 = 0.36
wais full-scale12312223/44 = 0.52


In three different studies (New SAT vs Raven, New SAT vs abbreviated WAIS-R, Old SAT vs WAIS), people averaging exceptionally high SAT scoresaveraged only 46%, 50%, or 52%, respectively, as far above the U.S. mean on the official IQ tests as they did on the SAT, suggesting the SAT (old or new), only correlates about 0.5 with official IQ tests. Correlations in the range of 0.5 are about all you’d expect most educational measures (school grades, years of school) to correlate with IQ, but it’s a surprisingly low correlation given that some consider the SAT to be more than a mere education measure, butan IQ test itself. So either the SAT is NOT equivalent to an IQ test, or it’s only equivalent to an IQ test among people with similar educational backgrounds, or my method of inferring correlations from the degree of regression is giving misleading results (perhaps because Spearman’s Law of Diminishing Returns is flattening the regression slope at high levels or because of ceiling bumping on the tests involved).

The potentially low correlation between the SAT (and presumably other college admission tests like the GRE, LSAT, etc) with official IQ has some positive implications. It means that to whatever extent IQ and success are correlated in America, the correlation is a natural consequence of smart people adapting to their environment, and not the artificial self-fulfilling prophecy of a man-made testocracy.

It also suggests that there’s no substitute for a real IQ test given by a real psychologist with blocks, cartoon pictures, jig-saw puzzles, and open-ended questions. I can see David Wechsler, chuckling from the grave, saying “I told you so.”

How well does the SAT correlate with official IQ tests? (2024)


How well does the SAT correlate with official IQ tests? ›

Some measures of educational aptitude correlate highly with IQ tests – for instance, Frey & Detterman (2004) reported a correlation of 0.82 between g (general intelligence factor) and SAT scores; another research found a correlation of 0.81 between g and GCSE scores, with the explained variance ranging "from 58.6% in ...

Is there a correlation between SAT and IQ test? ›

It is in a sense an IQ test. The SAT and IQ test correlate very highly. Between the SAT and the IQ, they correlate almost as much as the SAT correlates with a second administration of the SAT, as much as it correlates with itself. So they're very similar tests in content.

Is the SAT a good indicator of IQ? ›

The students taking the SAT should be able to apply what they have learned to score highly on the test. The SAT And The I.Q. Tests Measure Different Types Of Intelligence: The SAT is not an intelligence test as much as it is a competency test for reading, grammar, and math.

Why does the SAT no longer correlate with IQ? ›

The SAT and IQ test measure different things, and are difficult to compare. The most notable difficulty in comparing the SAT to an IQ test is that you can improve your SAT score over time; research has shown that most students get a higher score the second time taking the exam.

What connection is there between IQ and SAT scores? ›

No, not today. Back in the day — before about 1990 — SAT was indeed correlated with IQ tests, and Mensa accepted SAT as one of the tests from membership. But the test has been revised and is no longer strongly correlated to IQ tests.

What is Elon Musk's IQ? ›

Elon Musk's IQ puts him in the Highly Gifted category. IQ tests provide insight into an individual's cognitive ability. As mentioned earlier, Elon Musk's IQ score is believed to be between 155 and 160. Above-average IQ scores within this range are only reserved for the "Highly Gifted" IQ classification.

What is the IQ of a 1200 SAT score? ›

A 1200 SAT score on the verbal and math portions equate to an approximate IQ of 123 to 125 on the Wechsler Scales and SB-5 respectively.

Can you have a high IQ and do bad on the SAT? ›

I have around a 148 IQ but scored only 1060 on the SAT. Clearly those two measures are not linked. This has not prevented me from earning a 4 year degree or becoming a software developer.

Does SAT count for Mensa? ›

And anyone can submit evidence of prior testing in the form of scores from a supervised, standardized test, such as the Stanford Binet, the SAT, or the CogAT.

What is the IQ of 1500 SAT? ›

Proof that the SAT is a decent IQ test: 1500 SAT (130 IQ equivalent)

What IQ is considered genius? ›

Historical IQ classification tables
IQ Range ("ratio IQ")IQ Classification
Above 140"Near" genius or genius
120–140Very superior intelligence
110–120Superior intelligence
90–110Normal, or average, intelligence
3 more rows

What is the average IQ in the United States? ›

What's the Average IQ in the USA? According to recent data (around 2022), the average IQ in the United States falls around 98. It's important to remember that IQ tests are designed to have an average score of 100, so a slight deviation is expected.

What IQ do you need for Mensa? ›

The minimum accepted score on the Stanford–Binet is 132, while for the Cattell it is 148, and 130 in the Wechsler tests (WAIS, WISC). Most IQ tests are designed to yield a mean score of 100 with a standard deviation of 15; the 98th-percentile score under these conditions is 130.8, assuming a normal distribution.

Is SAT a good predictor of IQ? ›

In two studies, we found that SAT scores correlated up to 0.8 with measures of fluid reasoning ability and g, and as highly with traditional intelligence test scores as scores on those tests did with each other.

Is the SAT an accurate measure of intelligence? ›

The score is a result of innate intelligence and perseverance. Two people can get the same score while possessing different amounts of each quality. If we're talking about innate intelligence alone, the SAT doesn't necessarily measure accurately.

What was Mark Zuckerberg's SAT score? ›

Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, reportedly scored a perfect 1600 on his SATs. His high score likely played a role in his admission to Harvard University before he dropped out to focus on developing Facebook.

What is the IQ of 1500 SAT score? ›

Proof that the SAT is a decent IQ test: 1500 SAT (130 IQ equivalent)

Does IQ correlate with test scores? ›

The American Psychological Association's report Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns states that wherever it has been studied, children with high scores on tests of intelligence tend to learn more of what is taught in school than their lower-scoring peers. The correlation between IQ scores and grades is about . 50.

What do SAT scores correlate with? ›

SAT scores are strongly predictive of college performance—students with higher SAT scores are more likely to have higher grades in college. SAT scores are predictive of student retention to their second year—students with higher SAT scores are more likely to return for their second year.


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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.