(BRAND NEW) Familiar Awakening and Army Talents - Marks Angry Review (2024)

Yes, it’s taken me a while to write this article. I do have a life outside of Lords Mobile… LM is not the only thing in my life! I’m not like you…

But there was also another reason that I waited a few weeks before writing this article. I wanted to see how the Familiar Awakening and Army Talents affected the overall gameplay.

Keep reading to see what I think. You will be surprised by the answer.

  • What is Familiar Awakening?
  • How to Awaken a Familiar
  • Talent Orb
  • How to Use War Familiars
  • Top War Familiars
  • Understanding War Familiars (New)

What is Familiar Awakening?

(BRAND NEW) Familiar Awakening and Army Talents - Marks Angry Review (1)

The Familiar Awakening is a funky way to improve the overall effectiveness of the battle. They are battle assistants.

I say battle assistants because unlike popular belief, the Familiars DO NOT ACTUALLY FIGHT! They cannot join the fight or attack the enemy. And they cannot pick your nose for you!

The Familiars will merely enhance your army or hurt your enemy’s army. That’s it!

Don’t underestimate how powerful Battle Familiars are – they are powerful – but don’t think that you can send a few Familiars instead of an army. You need an army + familiars.

Come-on morons. Meet me halfway. I should have to be having to say this!

And here’s my new video with everything that you need to know about Army Talents and War Familiars. Also, SUBSCRIBE to my YOUTUBE Channel!

How to Awaken a Familiar?

(BRAND NEW) Familiar Awakening and Army Talents - Marks Angry Review (2)

I find that dipping your phone into very cold water should do the trick! They will all wake up straight away!

Otherwise, you can just do it the boring way… Keep reading.

  • You will need to enhance the Familiar to Elder
  • Unlock a Familiar Slot in the Research. The first slot is really easy. The rest of the Familiars are hard…
  • Use Talent Orbs to Awaken the Familiars (Spoiler Alert: These things cost a bl$$dy fortune)
  • Keep using more Talent Orbs to bring the Wokeness (my own word) of your Familiar to Level 10
  • Use the Familiar when going into battle

Talent Orbs

(BRAND NEW) Familiar Awakening and Army Talents - Marks Angry Review (3)

This was one of the most controversial topics for the whole Familiar discussion.

My conclusion is that, like the Mythic Gear, the Talent Orbs are great but still a little too P2P oriented. I’m not enraged! I have a real-life that enables me to devote my real emotions towards (in a healthy way).

But I am a little disappointed.

It would have been nice for IGG to actually provide a way to improve the battle that was actually dependant on skill instead of cash!

With that intro out of the way, Talent Orbs are very expensive!

  • Bright Talent Orb (Familiars 1-3) = 3,000 gems
  • Brilliant Talent Orb (Familiars 4-5) = 7,500 gems

Keep in mind that there are 10 levels to upgrade the Familiar to Maximum power. When I’m bored, I’ll do the math, but that is a ton-load of gems (aka a ton-load of your parent’s hard-earnt money).

How to Use the Familiars

(BRAND NEW) Familiar Awakening and Army Talents - Marks Angry Review (4)

If you are a newbie to the game, I recommend that you first read my guide to Lords Mobile battle. I have too little patience to reexplain how to go to war. I’m not a parrot. I’m a deep thinker. One of the last remaining deep-thinkers alive.

Adding a Familiar to the battle is actually really easy. You just click the button beneath the “adding heroes” button and you add the familiars that align with what you’re trying to accomplish.

A few notes:

  • You have a maximum of 5 Familiars per battle (but most likely only 2-3 if that’s all that you unlocked so far)
  • Make sure that you match the correct Familiar with the troops that you are sending…
  • If you aren’t going to lose 10% of your troops, don’t send a familiar that will only activate after losing 10% of your troop. PLEASE. Just use a little bit of brainpower when using this game!
  • Familiars can join the fight against Darknests. Use them! They will really help!

Top War Familiars Army Talents

(BRAND NEW) Familiar Awakening and Army Talents - Marks Angry Review (5)

Everyone wants to know which Familiars to get. Here’s the list. Keep in mind that I am only including Familiars from Pact 1 – Pact 4. Pact 5 is out of the reach of most regular players! I have that list separate afterwards. See my video above for more info!

Here are my favorite Familiars in order of effectiveness:

  1. Increase Military ATK by 100% every 10% that falls (Trickstar RAN, Gemming Gremlim INF, Goblin CAV) Medium
  2. Increase Army ATK 200% when 10% Fall (Gryphon) Difficult
  3. Stuns one of your enemy’s largest squads 8 seconds when 10% down (Tempestite) Medium. Not on wall. Great if you counter incorrectly. And for Single Troop hits.
  4. Increase 15% ATK at start (Engineer INF, Gnome RAN, Yeti CAV) Easy.
  5. Stuns all enemy heroes for 5 seconds when 15% down (Mega Maggot) Hard. Good for hitting castles and multiple troops
  6. 60% Hero Boost for 10 Seconds (Pyris) Easy. Good for wall. Good starter
  7. HP Heroes. Super Easy. Very little boost
  8. Summoning a Shield (Hoarder, Saberfang, Snow Beast). Very Hard
  9. All the DEF Familiars are GARBAGE. AVOID THEM AT ALL COSTS

P2P Familiars

  1. Deals 150% Damage every 4 seconds (x5 times) when 8% down (Huey Hops INF, Queen Bee RAN, Frsotwing CAV)
  2. Deals 600% damage based on starting ATK to largest squad once 4% down (Black Wing RAN, Bon Appeti INF, Gargantua CAV)

Understanding the Battle Familiars

Click the link to learn more about the actual familiars, but here we are going to only explain the battle/awakening element of the familiars. Keep reading – or don’t – I don’t care!

Pact 1A Awakening

Here’s the thing, Pact 1A Familiars are kind of a waste of time. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… And, in regards to awakening as well, most of these Familiar’s should keep snoring… The exception is Engineer. He’s actually fantastic! And Jaziek is passable-ish…


This skill is called Earthquake. Why do we need names again? In what way do these stupid names actually help us with the game-play? Who’s going to say, “Let’s add the Territe to the war, and use it’s earthquake Army Talent”?

  • Level 1 – At the start of the battle, reduces enemy’s Army DEF by 1.5%
  • Level 10 – At the start of the battle, reduces enemy’s Army DEF by 15%

Opinion: Ehhhhhh. Whatever. I’m just not a fan of DEF… You should already know that if you’ve been reading my blogs on a regular basis! Out of all the ridiculous DEF Familiars, I guess this one is the best because it attacks all ARMY instead of just one troop type…


The skill is called Ruthless Rot. Why? Because someone at IGG was smoking too much weed… That’s why!

  • Level 1 – At the start of the battle, reduces enemy’s Infantry DEF by 4%
  • Level 10 – At the start of the battle, reduces enemy’s Infantry DEF by 40%


The skill is called Scorching Sear. Can someone please stop these idiotic names? Anyone?! HELP!!!!

  • Level 1 – At the start of the battle, reduces enemy’s Ranged DEF by 4%
  • Level 10 – At the start of the battle, reduces enemy’s Ranged DEF by 40%


The Engineer’s skill is called Suit Up – because – in order to go to war, you need to “suit up”. And because this bloody skill is the only familiar that is related to war, IGG has picked a name that is connected to war! Oh wait, ALL THE STUPID TALENTS are connected to war! That is literally what this new awakening craziness is. They all need to “suit up” for war!

Can someone contact IGG and tell them to cut this nonsense out. We don’t want the Army Talents to have stupid names. Can we please organize a change.org campaign? Fans of Marks Angry Review unite! We can end this tyranny!

Oh btw, this Army Talent is actually really great! Strongly recommend getting the Engineer if you have a strong Infantry army!

  • Level 1 – At the start of the battle, increases Infantry ATK by 1.5%
  • Level 10 – At the start of the battle, increases Infantry ATK by 15%

He’s easy (or more like easiest – none of the familiars are actually easy) to upgrade, and he delivers a nice punch!


The Jaziek’s skill is called Deadly Slash. That’s as trite as calling a car a very very very fast wagon that really really really really cool.

  • Level 1 – At the start of the battle, reduces enemy’s Cavalry Max HP by 4%
  • Level 10 – At the start of the battle, reduces enemy’s Cavalry Max HP by 40%

The Jaziek is also kind of a waste of time, but compared to the other Pact 1A Familiars (aside for Engineer), he’s practically royalty. I’d still avoid him!

Pact 1B Awakening

Pact 1B is just more of the same, but a touch less horrible… But there are exceptions… Gnome and Yeti are fantastic. The rest of the Familiars are not woke at all! They are just dumb! Urgh!!!


The Aquiris’s skill is called “Drown Out”. The reason is rather simple. The graphics are so bad that you will want to drown out your sorrows with a lot of alcohol. It’s rather straight forward once it has been explained to you…

  • Level 1 – At the start of the battle, reduces enemy’s Army Max HP by 1.5%
  • Level 10 – At the start of the battle, reduces enemy’s Army Max HP by 15%

If I had to pick a single “reduce HP Familiar”, I would either focus on this one or on the troop type that you focus on…

In general, there are better familiars than one from the reduce HP family.


The Terraspike has the terrifying skill called the piercing spike. The spike, I assume, is because it has spikes on its shell. Whoever came up with this name should quit IGG and start working with the UN. They must have the brainpower to solve world hunger.

  • Level 1 – At the start of the battle, reduces enemy’s Infantry Max HP by 4%
  • Level 10 – At the start of the battle, reduces enemy’s Infantry Max HP by 40%


Ok. FINALLY, something that we can work with. This familiar is actually great! A 15% ATK automatic boost is nothing to laugh at!

By the way, The talent is called Deadly Tip just in case you wanted to know. I’m sure you were really curious!

  • Level 1 – At the start of the battle, increased Ranged Range ATK by 1.5%
  • Level 10 – At the start of the battle, increased Ranged Range ATK by 15%

Fantastic familiar. Very woke!


The skill is called Wild Wail. I give up. I can’t keep doing this.

  • Level 1 – At the start of the battle, reduces enemy’s Cavalry DEF by 4%
  • Level 10 – At the start of the battle, reduces enemy’s Cavalry DEF by 40%


I have a preference for Cavalry Troops. Yeti is fantastic. 15% Cav ATK boost can make or break a battle!

  • Level 1 – At the start of the battle, increased Cavalry ATK by 1.5%
  • Level 10 – At the start of the battle, increased Cavalry ATK by 15%

One of my favorite familiars! I rank this as 8/10!

Pact 2A Awakening

Spoiler Alert: The Tempestite is the only Familiar in Pact 2A which is actually worthwhile!


The Tempestite is really great familiar. In fact, he’s (or she) is the first incredible Familiar mentioned so far! If I had to pick 1 familiar from 1A, 1B, 2A and 2B, it would be the Tempestite.

  • Level 1 – Stuns one of your enemy’s largest squads for 0.80 seconds when 10% of your troops have fallen.
  • Level 10 – Stuns one of your enemy’s largest squads for 8 seconds when 10% of your troops have fallen.

There is a lot of ambiguity within the methodology of how he works, but I guess time will tell…

Evil Weevil

  • Level 1 – At the start of the battle, increases Army Max HP by 1.5%
  • Level 10 – At the start of the battle, increases Army Max HP by 15%

This Familiar is basically the same as Terraspike, but in reverse. Instead of diminishing the enemy, the Evil Weevil just adds onto yours.


Yuk. Defense. Ooohh.

  • Level 1 – Increases Ranged DEF by 20% for 4 seconds when 10% of your Ranged troops have fallen.
  • Level 1 – Increases Ranged DEF by 80% for 10 seconds when 10% of your Ranged troops have fallen.

Don’t bother! That’s all I have to say about this joke…


Unless you have cavs and you’ve upgraded the other – more important – Familiars, I wouldn’t bother with her…

  • Level 1 – Increases Cavalary Max HP by 20% for 4 seconds when 10% of your Cavalry troops have fallen
  • Level 10 – Increases Cavalary Max HP by 80% for 10 seconds when 10% of your Cavalry troops have fallen


Same thing as Strix but this time for Range instead of Cavalry. I have the same opinion on him as well!

  • Level 1 – Increases Range Max HP by 20% for 4 seconds when 10% of your Cavalry troops have fallen
  • Level 10 – Increases Range Max HP by 80% for 10 seconds when 10% of your Cavalry troops have fallen

Pact 2B Awakening

The Pyris is great. The rest are average at best.


The Pyris is a great Familiar in general. The Army Talent thankfully is fantastic as well! If your heroes are powerful, they will become far more powerful with this familiar. It’s also great that this familiar activates at the beginning of the battle instead of once troops are already lost!

Just note that this Familiar is only truly worthwhile if your heroes are already maxed to gold…

  • Level 1 – At the start of the battle, grants a 6% boost to Heroes’ Tactics skills, increasing Squad ATK dealt as DMG to enemy troops for 10 seconds.
  • Level 10 – At the start of the battle, grants a 60% boost to Heroes’ Tactics skills, increasing Squad ATK dealt as DMG to enemy troops for 10 seconds.


A bitter disappointment. Don’t touch it with a ten-foot rock!

  • Level 1 – Increases Cavalry DEF by 20% for 4 seconds when 10% of your Ranged troops have fallen.
  • Level 1 – Increases Cavalry DEF by 80% for 10 seconds when 10% of your Ranged troops have fallen.


This may seem like the best of the Defense Familiar. It’s true. It is, but don’t touch this stupid familiar. The defense is for losers who don’t know how to play this game!

  • Level 1 – At the start of the battle, increases Army DEF by 1.5%
  • Level 10 – At the start of the battle, increases Army DEF by 15%


Same garbage. Different troop type!

  • Level 1 – Increases Infantry DEF by 20% for 4 seconds when 10% of your Ranged troops have fallen.
  • Level 1 – Increases Infantry DEF by 80% for 10 seconds when 10% of your Ranged troops have fallen.


HP is always better than DEF but ATK is always the best. If you focus on Infantry troops and you’ve already maxed the important Familiars, I guess she’s not the worst familiar…

  • Level 1 – Increases Infantry Max HP by 20% for 4 seconds when 10% of your Cavalry troops have fallen
  • Level 10 – Increases Infantry Max HP by 80% for 10 seconds when 10% of your Cavalry troops have fallen

Pact 3 Awakening

Not all of the Pact 3 Familiars have Army Talents yet. Stay tuned. IGG will DEFINITELY add the rest. There is a lot of money to be made!

Here’s the good news! All of the available Familiars in Pact 3 are incredible! I would start off with the Pact 3 Familiars and then make your way to other ones afterward!

Obviously I would start off with your preferred troop-type before moving to the other ones in Pact 3. I prefer Cavs and so the first Familiar I unlocked was the Goblin!

Gemming Gremlin

Important Note: This Familiar is for Infantry ATK. Here is the thing with these 3 Familiars. They keep adding the ATK boost as you lose 10% of your troops. This is insane! You can decimate armies using low-level troops (or any troops) and end up killing an insane amount of troops in return!

  • Level 1 – Increase Infantry ATK by 10% when 10% of your Infantry troops have fallen. This effect can stack; number of fallen troops required will be recalculated after each activation.
  • Level 10 – Increase Infantry ATK by 100% when 10% of your Infantry troops have fallen. This effect can stack; number of fallen troops required will be recalculated after each activation.

This is insanity! These 3 Familiars are GAME-CHANGERS!


Same as above. Incredible Familiar!

  • Level 1 – Increase Cavalry ATK by 10% when 10% of your Cavalry troops have fallen. This effect can stack; number of fallen troops required will be recalculated after each activation.
  • Level 10 – Increase Cavalry ATK by 100% when 10% of your Cavalry troops have fallen. This effect can stack; number of fallen troops required will be recalculated after each activation.


  • Level 1 – Increase Range ATK by 10% when 10% of your Range troops have fallen. This effect can stack; number of fallen troops required will be recalculated after each activation.
  • Level 10 – Increase Range ATK by 100% when 10% of your Range troops have fallen. This effect can stack; number of fallen troops required will be recalculated after each activation.


This is an incredible skill. Stay tuned for my full-blown update on this Familiar.

  • Level 1 – Increase Army ATK by 50% for 4 seconds when 10% have fallen.
  • Level 10 – Increase Army ATK by 200% for 10 seconds when 10% have fallen.

Pact 4 Awakening

Pact 4 only has 4 familiars that have War Talents. The skills, however, are fantastic. The price, however, does not justify the power. I would first start off with Pact 3, Pyris and Tempestite, before making your way to Pact 4!

Mega Maggot

  • Level 1 – Stuns all enemy Heroes for 0.50 seconds when 15% of your troops have fallen.
  • Level 10 – Stuns all enemy Heroes for 5 seconds when 15% of your troops have fallen.


  • Level 1 – Summons a shield that protects 0.50% of your Cavalry troops from a killing blow when 12% of your Cavalry troops have fallen.
  • Level 10 – Summons a shield that protects 7% of your Cavalry troops from a killing blow when 12% of your Cavalry troops have fallen.

Snow Beast

  • Level 1 – Summons a shield that protects 0.50% of your Ranged troops from a killing blow when 12% of your Range troops have fallen.
  • Level 10 – Summons a shield that protects 7% of your Ranged troops from a killing blow when 12% of your Range troops have fallen.


  • Level 1 – Summons a shield that protects 0.50% of your Infantry troops from a killing blow when 12% of your Infantry troops have fallen.
  • Level 10 – Summons a shield that protects 7% of your Infantry troops from a killing blow when 12% of your Infantry troops have fallen.
(BRAND NEW) Familiar Awakening and Army Talents - Marks Angry Review (2024)


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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.